Devo Day 12: Covert and Overt Operations

Acts 1:8  But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. Then you will tell people about me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria. And you will even tell other people about me from one end of the earth to the other.”  NIRV

Isiah 60:1-3  “People of Jerusalem, get up.  Shine, because your light has come.

The glory of the Lord will shine on you.  2Darkness covers the earth.  Thick darkness spreads over the nations.  But I will rise and shine on you.  My glory will appear over you.  3Nations will come to your light.  Kings will come to the brightness of your new day.  NIRV


Philippians 2:15-16  Then you will be pure and without blame. You will be children of God without fault among sinful and evil people. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky. 16You will shine as you hold on tight to the word of life. Then I will be able to boast about you on the day Christ returns. I can be happy that I didn’t run or work for nothing.  NIRV


Having met my wife 19 years ago, the more time we spend together the easier it become to recognize her voice, understand her heart and the way she thinks.  Similarly, we can learn how to recognize God’s voice and heart; to hear, see or sense his presence. Connecting with his love and allowing God to share his heart for others, we can respond to Him on a daily basis.  

God has placed you in your mission field to partner with the Holy Spirit and bring His Kingdom, either covertly or overtly. 

Recognize the little things that covertly reflect God’s Kingdom; random acts of kindness, encouragement, taking time to listen to people. Be ‘salt and light’ using words that honor and respect others.

If God gives you a word of knowledge or prophecy act normally as you covertly share using every-day language, for example “I just get a sense that …” rather than “God just said…” Be obedient to the Holy Spirit but honor the person and where they are on their faith journey. Your priority is for the person to feel loved and cared for not to feel weird or awkward. 


Covert operations lead to overt opportunities because the individual catches a glimpse of Jesus and likes what they see, feel and hear. Recognize these moments and if they ask “how do you know that?” work with the Holy Spirit to discern whether it is right to openly share. This is how God desires to partner with you, whether at church or in your workplace. When He speaks, He releases the power to back you up. Don’t allow supernatural events to become divorced from your everyday life. Like a soldier in battle, be open to carry out both covert as well as overt operations and have some fun with God along the way. 


Where has God has placed you in your mission field to partner with the Holy Spirit?

If God gives you a word of knowledge or prophecy how do you move forward?

When God desires to partner with you, whether at church, your workplace or just out and about in the community.  What will you do when He speaks, will you follow through or will you just going on and ignoring the nudging of the Holy Spirit?

How can you prepare yourself to be ready?


Patrick Slack