Devo Day 11: Influence From A Kingdom Perspective

Matthew 6:10 May your kingdom come.  May what you want to happen be done on earth as it is done in heaven.  NIRV

Luke 4:18-19 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me.  He has anointed me to announce the good news to poor people.  He has sent me to announce freedom for prisoners.  He has sent me so that the blind will see again.  He wants me to set free those who are treated badly.  19 And he has sent me to announce the year when he will set his people free.” (Isaiah 61:1,2)  NIRV

Galatians 5:15 If you say or do things that harm one another, watch out! You could end up destroying one another.  NIRV

In Matthew 6:10 Jesus teaches us to pray, ‘Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven……

On earth as it is in heaven became a co-existing reality when Jesus came to earth.  Now as God’s sons and daughters we have access to His Kingdom because of what Jesus did on the cross for us.   

To go out and bring cultural transformation in our area(s) of influence requires us to understand what ‘kingdom come’ really means.  When Jesus talked about the Kingdom being at hand, his Jewish audience knew exactly what he was talking about but over the years our understanding of the Kingdom has eroded, like a cliff disappearing into the sea, changing the landscape of our faith. When Jesus talks about Kingdom He is referencing Isaiah 61 that outlines the signs of the Kingdom; Salvation, Healing, Freedom (Deliverance), Peace, Joy Justice (Righteousness), Comfort and God's Presence. Do you realize you have the opportunity to powerfully tap into all of these and bring them from heaven to earth as you encounter people on a daily basis? 

Once we understand and focus on Kingdom values and recognize through our identity in Him that we have access to them.  The opposite of these become a target for our attention as we learn to pray and take authority over them. If you come up against anger, bring peace, when you encounter despair offer comfort, when there is hopelessness and heaviness provide hope and joy. Praying for and declaring God’s presence can change any situation. 

We express the thoughts that fill our consciousness, so fill every thought with the truth of the Kingdom!  Take every opportunity to change the landscape to one that is outwardly reflecting the character of God and starts to influence society from a Kingdom perspective.


Do you realize that God has given you authority as His children to bring peace, hope, love, and joy to any situation because of who you are?  You are His child. 

Are you taking every opportunity to change the landscape to one that is outwardly reflecting the character of God so that it starts to influence society from a Kingdom perspective?

What do you need to do get a Kingdom prospective take some time and talk to God and see what He might say to you.

Patrick Slack