Devo Day 16: Obedience Over Sacrifice

Growing up we all wanted to be the hero. The one who saves the day, gets the girl, and is adored by the people. Those same thoughts are the very undoing of Saul. He wanted the people to respect him as a king, ruler, and man. What he got instead was the kingdom ripped from his hands and handed to a shepherd boy. The famous words uttered by the prophet Samuel would ring in Saul’s ears:

“But Samuel replied, “What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.” 1st Samuel 15:22 NLT

In our lives we have options in every moment to choose obedience to the Lord or selfish gain. We often times don’t consider our sacrifice to feel selfish but if it is a sacrifice that comes from our need to feel approved then all we have done is wasted time. The only sacrifice in our life that we should boast about is the sacrifice of Christ bearing the cross of our sin and shame. In our lives we should take every step with cautious intent so we carefully draw closer to the lord.


How are you making sure that your response to the Lord is one of obedience?

In your walk obedience often leans itself towards sacrifice but our sacrifice doesn’t always lean towards obedience, How are you weighing the options that are in front of you so you can carefully walk towards Christ?

How are you ensuring that Christ’s sacrifice for you is the most important sacrifice in your life?

Tony Alberti